The Honor Wall Registration is open to not only graduates but those that attended C-FC at any time, parochial students in the district boundaries, home school in the district boundaries, those that attend a school prior to C-FC organization but now currently in C-FC boundaries.
Registration will close for the current year each year on September 30. Registration after September 30 will be included in the next year.
C-FC Honor wall will be updated 1 time each year after September 30 and prior to Veterans Day.
Donations to offset the initial costs and annual maintenance each year can be made via this website or write a check to VFW Post 10406. Please indicate on the check that it is for the honor wall at C-FC.
The overall display will been located at C-FC High School in Fountain City, Wisconsin. The total dimesnions are 12” width x 10” tall. The title at the top will be 3” black acrylic letters with 14” bronze seals and 19” x 48” Black Wood Plaques that will display the 210 plates.
The plates will contain the first name, middle initial, last name, year of graduation, brand and years along with the rank. The display will grow over time.
Below is a QR Code to be scanned and will take you directly to the Honor Wall page of the website.
Donations to offset the initial costs and annual maintenance each year can be made via online or write a check to VFW Post 10406. Please indicate on the check that it is for the honor wall at C-FC.